April 10, 2024


Launched in fall 2023, the Impact Beloit Community Fellows program 正在帮助培养下一代社区领袖,89岁的蒂姆·莱斯利说, Impact Beloit executive director and vice president, career & professional development.


The college worked with Hendricks CareerTek, the Beloit International Film Festival, Community Action, Family Promise of Greater Beloit, Kerry Group, Stateline Boys and Girls Clubs, 和托德小学,以确保对学生和社区产生最大的影响. “我们正在培养全面发展的人文主义领袖,他们体现了文科的精神,” Leslie says, “interdisciplinary learning, communication, critical thinking, and collaboration.该项目与学院其他以社区为基础的学习和职业准备项目相连 Career Works, Community Connections, and Alumni Connections.

The reel deal

Nico Doret'24 at a booth for the Beloit International Film Festival 24岁的BIFF代表Nico Doret在Powerhouse的本地到全球职业博览会上保持着“reel”.Two years ago, Nicolas “Nico” Doret’24, a media studies major from Libertyville, Illinois, 参加了莱斯利的《十大菠菜台子》课程,学生们在这门课上为Impact Beloit设计了蓝图. 第二年夏天,在勤工俭学的岗位上,多雷特和莱斯利一起建立了这个项目. “Tim came up with the idea for a Duffy-like program, and my job was to envision what form it could take,” Doret said.

With his early involvement, and his interests in film, photography, and entrepreneurship, 多雷特与伯洛伊特国际电影节(BIFF)的合作是一个完美的契合. “It’s been a great experience meeting people in Beloit,” he says, 值得注意的是,该项目的优势之一是,它持续一个完整的学年. “I couldn’t imagine this being only one semester long.”

Greg Gerard, BIFF executive director, Doret在担任私人助理方面的专业精神给你留下了深刻的印象, liaison, partner, and sounding board. “Nico has helped BIFF become more integrated with the campus. He’s eliminated red tape, opened lines of communication, 并帮助我以有意义的方式将BIFF和校园结合起来.”

多雷特在第一学期学习了项目管理,今年春天,她正在为4月份的电影节做票务和后勤工作. “I’m practicing skills I’ve gained, such as communication etiquette, project management, and collaboration, and it’s helping me transition from the classroom to the workplace,” he says.

Gerard looks forward to another semester working with Doret as well. “他是即将进入高管队伍的新一波年轻人中的佼佼者.”

Bringing energy and positivity

24岁的夏奇拉·威尔逊(Shakira Wilson)在美林社区中心(Merrill Community Center)与孩子们一起监督一个工艺项目. 24岁的夏奇拉·威尔逊(Shakira Wilson)在美林社区中心(Merrill Community Center)与孩子们一起监督一个工艺项目.

Shakira Wilson’24, a double major in dance and sociology 她来自芝加哥,在美林社区中心实习期间成为了一个榜样. 该中心为伯洛伊特梅里尔社区的低收入青年提供项目和资源, 哪个城市的失业率和少数族裔居民比例最高.

“对我们社区的年轻人来说,看到一个明亮的, 和他们长得一样聪明的年轻女人是个优秀的大学生, to see all that as a possibility for them,” says Marc Perry, Merrill’s executive director.

Wilson’s internship involves working as a youth program teacher, providing homework assistance in the after-school program, teaching dance classes, and organizing arts and crafts activities. “我喜欢和孩子们一起工作,”她笑着说,很明显,孩子们都很尊敬她.

Wilson found Beloit College through Chicago Scholars, a program for first-generation college students, and once at the college, 她开始通过达菲伙伴关系与伯洛伊特的黑人公民合作. Her advisor, Professor of Sociology Kate Linnenberg, came to her with what she called “a perfect opportunity.”

威尔逊正在美林产生影响,并对自己有了更好的了解. “I’ve learned how to manage kids and to take leadership. 孩子们能感受到你的能量,所以当你走进房间时,保持积极的态度是很重要的. I now know I’d like to continue to work with kids,” she says.

Perry has high praise for the work Wilson is doing. “Shakira is a fantastic young woman with a bright future,” he says, “and I appreciate the role model she presents for the kids here.”


Touching all the bases

Matt O'Leary'23 23岁的马特·奥利里在贝洛伊特天鲤鱼棒球队的幕后实现了自己的梦想.Since the Beloit Sky Carp’s ABC Supply Stadium opened in 2021, 海盗棒球队每个赛季都在这里打一场系列赛. For Matt O’Leary’23, an economics major from Clarendon Hills, Illinois, and a Buccaneers infielder, 在天鱼队的实习让他看到了球场的另一面:比赛的体育营销和娱乐方面.

O’Leary, an All-American second baseman, 正在与团队总裁扎克·布罗克曼(Zach Brockman)合作进行定价和球场体验研究与分析等项目. “看到一场比赛的幕后以及创造精彩粉丝体验的一切都是值得的,” O’Leary says, looking out at the stadium’s pristine playing field. “这项工作迫使我以不同于课堂的方式思考. I’ve had to think creatively, solve problems as they arise, and compile data and findings efficiently. 我在天空鲤鱼的经历教会了我如何经营一家成功的小企业.”

This spring, 奥利里将参加一个销售研讨会,学习如何打销售电话, 并在学院和周边地区进行推广工作.

“Matt’s been phenomenal,” says Brockman. “这项业务的先决条件是对这项运动的热爱,显然他拥有这一点. 再加上他对商业的热情,这是一段很棒的合作关系.”

For O’Leary, 在迈阿密马林鱼小联盟高a联盟的天鱼队工作,让他看到了将自己对商业的兴趣与对棒球的热爱结合起来的可能性. 他说:“我觉得自己回到了原地,在这里演出,现在又在幕后工作。. “I came to Beloit to play baseball, 它为我打开了一扇门——建立了我认为在更大的学校不可能实现的联系.”

Off the hill

影响伯洛伊特奖学金计划将学生和学院从山上带到了社区, 学院的新体验式学习计划已经使这座城市受益, and the students who call it home.

Also In This Issue

  • Two students and a dog in the fall of 1976. 这张照片是在学生会前拍摄的,当时它是一个聚会场所, nearing the end of the Beloit Plan era. While the college had a year-round calendar, 许多学生住在校外,可以避开学校关于宠物的规定, so it was common to see dogs visiting campus.

    Praise for the Fall 2023 issue

  • Quisi, Maribel, Connie, and Jean celebrate Quisi’s recovery.

    Recovery, Spirit, and Light

  • Rick Rose’88 on the road.

    Breaking Down Barriers


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